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Tjernlund DJ-3 Inline Draft Inducer

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Price: $233.95
Item Number: 19828
Manufacturer Name: Tjernlund
Manufacturer Part No: DJ-3
Tjernlund DJ-3 Inline Draft Inducer
Undersized Chimneys Boilers/Furnaces
Negative Pressures Water Heaters
Long Horizontal Vent Connectors Modular Boiler Systems
Down Drafts Multiple Appliances
Cold Equipment Starts Bakery Ovens
Restrictive Heat Exchangers/Combustion chambers            Factory Processes

Tjernlund In-Line Draft Inducers assure positive draft when restricted boilers and furnaces, poor chimneys or negative pressures in buildings prevent proper exhaust of combustion gases.  The venturi action starts air moving up the stack instantly & keeps it moving smoothly.  These units are quick and easy to install and completely automatic in operation.  In-Line Draft Inducers are built for long-lasting, trouble-free service and available in sizes and capacities to meet virtually all heating system requirements.  The Vari-Draft control permits adjustment to individual job requirements.

Vents/Chimneys utilizing In-Line Draft Inducers must be vertically terminated above the roof line.


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